~Mystical Gardens of Illusionary Shadows~

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This is the page where I'll describe myself in more detail.

This is where I'll do the scariest thing...talk about myself!  Well, just a bit, I mean this is the question that is asked almost everywhere you go and sign up for.  Not to sure why, it's not like many people read it!  But just in case you do, and are, and really want to KNOW.  I'll add it here.

I'm easily gotten ahold of.  Either leave a message here, or one of the many sites I am on, or email me if you are looking for a penpal at fiore0377@yahoo.com or for faster response nyteangil-aka-nyteangel@lycos.com and I'll respond as fast as I can.  Have a wonderful day.

Things that I really enjoy:

This list will be long and probably not fully complete because I enjoy almost anything but here goes me trying:
Reading, I do love to read when I get the chance.  Mostly horrors, but I'll give almost anything a try.
Coloring, yes I said coloring as in crayons, color pencils on paper.  I even sometimes outline my own coloring sheets then use them to write letters on them.
Penpaling, I enjoy writing in almost any form I can so it goes without say that I enjoy having people to converse with the old fashion way.
Crochet, knitting, and cross stitch...I'm old at heart too what can I say I enjoy making things as often as I can.
Collecting...almost everything.  I enjoy collecting coins, to stamps, to other peoples artwork, to stickers.  The list is quite endless.  I really like collecting because when I get double I can share it with someone else.
Swapping has to be my next thing.  I do enjoy swapping things with others when I can.
Sampling and coupons, are a frugal thing I enjoy to do.
Learning more about being green.
Music, don't ask what kind because like my books and movies it's almost everything that makes me want to dance, sing, or just listen.
Movies, again, horrors are my first love, then animated, then everything else.
Some of the TV shows I enjoy: Supernatural, CSI, Family Guy, almost all reality shows, pretty much anything on SciFi, Doctor Who, Torchwood...and the list goes on.